Vision & Mission "Preparing our students today, for the future of tomorrow.” Taoyuan American School strives to be a model internation
History of TYAS(together with accreditation) "Preparing our students today, for the future of tomorrow.” There are many paths to the futur
Fujiing Shiue, Ph.D. Principal fshiue@tyas.tyc.edu.tw Welcome to a new and exciting school year! As the principal of Taoyuan American School (TYAS),
李麗生(Lihsen Lee) 第一任 校長 簡介: 李麗生董事長出生於嘉義縣濱海偏鄉,早年家境困頓,因此隻身來到台北,從 零開始打拼創業,至今已邁入第46個年頭,其事業版圖橫跨紡織、不動產、飯店、電子、工具機、地勤、碾米廠等各個不同的領域。除了在公司經營的努力投入,李董事長也長年致力於社會公益,
Facility The school facilities are on Kainan University campus and occupy 1.0 hectare area (approximately 2.5 acres). The school buildings are one of